Cara Memasang Twibbon Ramadhan 2022/1443 Hijriyah

Kita akan segera bertemu bulan Ramadhan yang terkenal ini. Bulan Ramadhan tahun ini insya Allah akan jatuh pada tanggal 4 April 2022 atau 1443 Hijriah.

Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Siapa bergembira dengan masuknya bulan Ramadhan, Allah akan mengharamkan jasadnya masuk neraka”.

Dengan hadits di atas, jelaslah bahwa barang siapa yang puas dengan datangnya bulan Ramadhan, maka Allah akan melarangnya masuk neraka. Dan mari menjadi bagian darinya. Amin..

Dan salah satu cara merayakan datangnya bulan suci Ramadhan adalah dengan memasang opsi Twibbon yang menarik kemudian menyebarkannya di jejaring sosial seperti Facebook, Whatsapp atau Instagram.

Berikut Cara Memasang Twibbon “Sambut Bulan Suci Ramadhan 2022/1443 Hijriyah”

1. Buka link dibawah dengan pilihan desain

2. Pilih custom unggah foto, yang terletak di bawah gambar twibbon.

3. Nanti anda akan diarahkan ke file gambar dan anda bisa memilih foto terbaik anda.

4. Kemudian tekan dan tahan beberapa saat hingga proses komparasi foto dan twibbon selesai.

5. Setelah selesai, download di custom yang sudah disediakan.











































































































How to choose an online trading platform?

Investing in stocks may be the best way to create wealth. It will also help you diversify your portfolio. Do you want to save some money on retirement? Are you looking for ways to increase your wealth? If your answers to these questions are yes, you should consider buying stocks. With the help of the best online trading platform, you can achieve your financial goals.

To be successful in the stock market, it is important that you have a comprehensive knowledge of the market. You also need to improve your marketing skills and use the right trading platform. There are many online trading platforms available today. So you have to choose the best one by comparing them. Here are some tips for comparing different platforms:

Points to check for comparison:

  • honorarium
  • What you will sell
  • Easy to use
  • Your demands
  • Access to brand data

In fact, there are some features offered by online trading platforms. Here’s what you need to consider before choosing a platform:


You must pay a fee to the broker for each trading transaction. The fee charged may vary from one part of the company to another or even higher. The average fee is somewhere around $ 20. Some even charge an annual or monthly fee. However, this rule only applies if the platform has many good features.

what will you sell

There are trading platforms that give its members access to international stocks. There are also platforms that allow access to trading currencies, indices, forex, CFDs, etc. So when you compare platforms, you need to examine such access classes.

Easy to use:

Dealing with the stock market is complicated and you have to react quickly to changes in the market. The platform you choose should therefore be user-friendly. This type of platform allows you to do things faster without any problems. Keep in mind that improper trading can have a big impact on your finances. In addition to being simple, the platform must also be intuitive.

Your demands:

You should also consider your needs before choosing an online trading platform. If you are only a regular investor, you do not need a platform to register immediately. There are also platforms that target start-ups. Therefore, you need to consider your experience and requirements before choosing a platform. Access to brand data:

At any given time, you must base your business decisions on market trends. The platform should inform you about changes in stock prices then and there. If the platform offers a deferred market update, there is no reason to choose.

In addition to these factors, you must consider other factors before choosing one. Some of these include marketing methods, marketing opportunities and customer support.

Originally posted 2015-03-31 14:24:09.

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